After graduating from Hamline University in 1987 I entered the field of Sales & Marketing. I started working for 3M for a year selling Copy Machines. Tough job, but all the book learning turned into real experiences.
Then, I worked for a little known software company call ABC Development. We sold programming software and report writers for mini-computers and the new fad of personal computers. Two years there, been there, done that.
That is when I started LaserMaster -- Fall of '89. I worked in Minneapolis first as a Regional Sales Manager, was then moved to National Sales manager, and eventually ended up as General Manager for the Imaging Products Division.
One day, in the fall of 1991, the CEO of the company called me up and said "Jacobsen, you're going to Europe". My only answer was "Yes, Sir". I packed my bags, and moved to Amsterdam, Holland. I spent 4 years as Director of Sales for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Half way through my stint, I finally wised up and married Alicia, and brought her over with me for the final two years of my "European Tour of Duty".
We moved back to MN in the Fall of 1995, and by Spring of '96, Xerox recruited me away. I spent the next 6 years in corporate America. I wasn't "Dave Jacobsen", I was employee "987579". The training was fantastic, the experience was great, but as Xerox crumbled underneath our feet, it was time to move on.
So, in the Summer of 2001, I ventured away from my many years in Hi-Tech to HealthCare. I am now at United Healthcare in a little division called Optum. I am the Sr. Director of Sales, heading up the sales team that sells a telephonic NurseLine and Counselor line to large employers and healthplans.
Well, I'm sick of writing, and I am sure you are sick of reading, so read my resume.
David Jacobsen,